Wednesday 5 December 2012


                                                       25 word pitch for a horror movie:
A summer surrounded by girls but the only one he wants is dead. Patch is sure that he  knows who the murderer may be and is determined to find the evidence against them. Will he allow Nora, the girl of his dreams death remain a mystery or will he continue to search for the evidence fully aware that his life is at risk?
(i know this is way over 25 words but its difficult okay. 25 words is just too little sir. sorry)

                                                               250 word synopsis:
Four friends (Patch, Nora, Scott and Vee) decide to travel around Madagascar during the summer holidays. Three weeks into their holiday they discover a long lost island (but they don't know this yet). They decide to go to the island and meet all the beautiful people there. The people they meet aren't the average people they see daily. They're all very pale, have unusual eye colours, are always indoor and try to avoid sunlight. (They're really vampires living on an old island). One of the girls in the group (Vee) soon discover that they're really vampires. When she attempts to tell the rest of her friends she killed by one of the vampires. The vampires then torture the three friends daily by sucking their blood, making their death slow and painful but then the group of friends find a way to escape the island; only one of them escapes (Scott) however the other two get caught. The vampires decide to give the two remaining friends a choice; They either become vampires and kill the next souls to encounter the island or to be killed. They decide to become vampires but good ones. They stay low for a couple of months, follow all the vampire rules and regulations. When they're friend Vee comes back to rescue them, she is caught and is just about to be murdered when Nora and Patch save her. They kill the whole vampire gang with the help of Vee and demolish the island.

(EXACTLY 247!!! it's a rubbish synopsis anyways; sorry that i'm not creative)